Q: How useful is a Malaysian degree, in general?
A: Useful in Malaysia, not useful in the world. Much like BM.
Q: How useful is a Malaysian Honours degree, in general?
A: Not useful and not recognised pretty much everywhere. The CGPA system included GPAs from courseworks and exams and not entirely reflective of the quality of the thesis produced. Furthermore, the entire thesis is written in BM - a language no one understands outside of Malaysia (note: Bahasa Indonesia is different than BM).
Q: How useful is a Malaysian Phd, in general?
A: That depends on how many International publications you have, during and after your Phd. Publications = "money" in the research and academic world. No publications = no "money" = no "power" = no "influence". Many Malaysians with Phds I know just have a Phd and nothing after that. No paper. No contribution. No "money". No "power". No "influence". These ppl are just "Dr." by name.
Q: How useful is a Malaysian lecturer, in general?
A: As useful as the "recycled" lecture notes year in and year out and the excuses they give for missing lectures (eg: caught in traffic jam, "meeting", forgot it was today, busy etc).
Q: How useful is the Malaysian education system, in general?
A: As useful as the quality of students it produces - good short-term memory but lousy in independent thinking and work skills.
I hope this has been a useful summary.
note: the author was a product of the local Malaysian University but went on to pursue a Masters and Phd degree overseas.copyright from THE STAR