think abt u

on 7:52 PM

previously,i realised tat caring to others,sacrifice to ownself to help our love ones is great.
but recently i realised whether i shall ask myself:do u ever think abt u,yrself?
the answer is NOT exactly do.
i would like to betray my soul to attempt someone's need.
tats wat in my blood,i couldnt eliminate tis characteristic,i dont ever think abt myself until now!
i started to knw tat i must care abt own benefits too.
perhaps,i grew more mature,more rational to protect myself ard.
tis is the phase for me to go through,go through tat when u r growing up...
it'snt acting cold-blooded,but i jus cant concern more,i was not hoping for rebate,indeed,jus hoping ones will attain his/her best life.
there is someone even how nice u put on,he/she jus dont knw.
i wondered,i was wrong but with right move i did,i was wrong bcs there is a bond between us.
dont matter how sad,i hv to set a new thought-dont sacrifice too much to someone tat never appreciate u,then u wont feel hurt.^^


Felicia Chew said...

Its correct to act everything based on our own self-interest,but it would be perfect if it can also serve for other interest in stead of benefit,But there are also hav a plenty of chances to get hurt matter how u decide,it wont be wrong as long as u act based on ur heart.

life-like-this said...

thx for giving comments.

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