lost love

on 7:57 AM

i m lost...
i m lost in my love,i m pretty sure tat it wont b good for both of us in future...
i oso wanna knw y it can reach tis kind of conflict,v cant talk...did u knw tat v hv 2 talk?hv u try 2 understand me?o i hvnt understand u yet?
could u live without me?could u b more mature if i walk away from yr life?
wat happen if i cant care abt u anymore?will u b better o worse?
i dont knw how to make decision,bcs i dont wanna get u hurt,i jus want u 2 b alright
all the way v gone through doesnt seem right,u feel tat?
it doesnt mean i dont love u anymore,but i cant find the way now,really...i still care abt u,but i need yr care too,u knw it?
i m struggling hard...bleeding heart.


MildreD said...

遍体鳞伤的你, 好让你静下,

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