2day morning,v hv gone to attend a talk of our majoring choices.
Biotech,aquabio,agrobio,enviromental bio,vector n parasites,microbio,botani,n lastly zoology.
so many choices given to us,n v were brief by some frank n experienced lecturer,haha,1 very meaningful sentences from prof Alex is:"it's not d end of the world wit wat u will hv!"
the talk is tell us tat,wat is d aim on choosing major.is tat for job(money) o knowledge?
i think job is important in real life but actly knowledge will always lead to success in career!the purpose of study is not jus for a job guarantee but oso to gain knowledge,the lifetime knowledge.
to b expert in wat u r involve in,then u r among the best competor!
bsides,to b good in humanity,social skill is oso the important stuff tat v r going to learn in U,n oso the whole life.tis is more abt EQ.
to me,future is always on our hand,the ultimate way to ensure good future is to work it out!
haha,a way is start by a will!!
night night!
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