
on 1:23 PM

the time clocked at 4.25am,i still awake from slppy,enjoying the peaceful nite@morning.
in turn of long time i dint appear as nortunal species,i put the nite lamp on.well,so revel in the peaceful night...feeling like free spirit!
the last paper is jus done,n it marks d end of semester 2.tis was quite excited to me,cos its HOLID@Y!!
no point to b no enjoying!!haha!
emm...hving some carlsberg in front of screen.guys,remember end of last semester v did tis oso.playing counnter strike over night!!but now only i kept the tradisional,i still bear a drink n stay over night,hahaha!
i m okay,i really live better in single,i'm single but not available,cos i dont wanna to hv a relationship right now.rather solo,which i supposed to b.some ppl claim how bad to b lonely,but i prefered.cos i'm happy now!


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